Jonathan Insler, Ph.D.


Jonathan is a registered patent agent admitted to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is currently attending the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. Jonathan has extensive experience in experimental particle physics, focusing on neutrino oscillations and the physics of charmed mesons. Jonathan served as deputy run coordinator during the commissioning and running of the Deep Neutrino Underground Experiment (DUNE) 35 ton prototype liquid argon detector at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, specializing on quantifying the performance of the 35 ton prototype’s silicon photomultiplier-based photon detectors. Jonathan also has experience with Monte Carlo simulation and the analysis of large data sets.

Prior to joining Slater Matsil, Jonathan worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Drexel University's Department of Physics on the DUNE and Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum (PROSPECT) collaborations. As an adjunct professor at Rowan University, Jonathan taught calculus-based introductory mechanics. Jonathan also worked as a postdoctoral associate for Louisiana State University on the T2K and DUNE collaborations. Jonathan’s dissertation topic was on the measurement of exclusive semileptonic branching fractions of Ds meson decays as part of the CLEO collaboration.


Jonathan graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Arts in 2003, majoring in physics and mathematics. Jonathan obtained a Master of Arts in physics from the University of Rochester in 2005, and he received his Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from the University of Rochester in 2011. Jonathan is currently attending the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law studying for his Juris Doctor degree with a focus on Intellectual Property, Technology, and Information Law.

Admissions & Honors

Jonathan is registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Articles & Presentations

D.L. Adams et al. (DUNE Collaboration), “Design and performance of a 35-ton liquid argon time projection chamber as a prototype for future very large detectors.” arXiv:1912.08739 [physics.ins-det]. JINST 15 (2020) no. 03, P03035.

J. Ashenfelter et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), “First search for short-baseline neutrino oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT.” arXiv:1806.02784 [hep-ex].

J. Ashenfelter et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), “Performance of a segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector for the PROSPECT experiment.”arXiv:1805.09245 [physics.ins-det]. JINST 13 (2018) no.06, P06023.

D.L. Adams et al. (DUNE Collaboration), “Photon detector system timing performance in the DUNE 35-ton prototype liquid argon time projection chamber.” arXiv:1803.06379 [physics.ins-det]. JINST 13 (2018) no.06, P06022.

K. Abe et al. (T2K Collaboration), “First measurement of the νμ charged-current cross section on a water target without pions in the final state.” arXiv:1708.06771 [hep-ex]. Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) no.1, 012001.

K. Abe et al. (T2K Collaboration), “Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations by the T2K experiment including a new additional sample of νe interactions at the far detector.” arXiv:1707.01048 [hep-ex]. Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.9, 092006.

B. Abi et al. (DUNE Collaboration), “The Single-Phase ProtoDUNE Technical Design Report,” arXiv:1706.07081 [physics.ins-det].

Invited talks:

Lake Louise Winter Institute, 2/23/2017, Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. “Status of DUNE.”

Experimental Particle Physics Seminar, 9/20/2016, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. “Results from the DUNE 35-ton Prototype Detector.”

International Workshop for the Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector (NNN15), 10/28/2015, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. “DUNE Single Phase Liquid Argon TPC prototyping at CERN and Fermilab.”